Friday, May 7, 2010


Well, I guess I should say a few things about myself... I'm 28 years old, live in Austin Texas and work @ Rockstar's Cabaret. My life and travels have been varied to say the least, with the occaisional "bump" in the road (more on those bumps later).

Country boy by heart, cocky by nature with an insatiable love of Jagermeister... all that rolled up into a package that's 5' 8" and 165lbs.

Born & Raised in East Texas...
Brownsboro to be precise, with a grand population of less than 500 people. Needless to say, got the hell out of there as fast as humanly possible.

If you are my friend, you're welcome to anything I have... If you are my enemy, may your path never cross mine because I will use every last drop of energy within myself to make your life a living hell!

I work hard and play even harder... Live life to the fullest every single day, and never look back :-) Hindsight may be 20/20, but looking forward is the only way to reach your goals!